Tuna is one of the types of canned fish that includes all types of fish.
Tuna is mistakenly used as a canned fish, but tuna refers to certain types of tuna, and canned fish is something else and can include any type of fish. Ton as the name of one of the types of fish and includes a wide range of them. Eating fish in the way that we cook and eat it ourselves is a bit time-consuming and for many people, it is difficult to prepare it. That's why tuna is a good choice, you can use the wonderful properties of fish and additives like olive oil, and it's easier to use.
Tuna fish does not mean that there is a fish named tuna and this dish is prepared with it, but it refers to certain types such as gider, asbek and hoover, which are among the types of fish that are used as tuna in Iran. Placed. These types of fish are oceanic and are small and very fast.
Which of the different opinions about tuna fish are true and which are false?
First of all, there are many conflicting opinions about tuna, many consider this food to be harmful and many others view it as a useful food. But which one is right and which one is wrong depends on the factors. Some people say that tuna has mercury and this substance is harmful, but it must be said that mercury is an important element and its presence does not mean that it is bad. Mercury is a very important element that exists even in the human body and is also present in some amount in the body of fish.
Sometimes it is heard that the fish used in the fish tanks have problems, such as dead fish or leftover fish are used. These types of cases are done by fraudsters and violators, but this does not mean that all tuna producing companies commit this violation. This happened despite the supervision of the Ministry of Health and other things such as if it is widely produced and consumed, the people and responsible observers will find out about it, and it is not that simple. And likewise, using dead fish, obtaining them and how to find so many dead fish is a question against these rumors.
In some cases, it is said that tuna cans are made of heavy metals because tin has a high price, but this is not the case. If you look at the difference in the prices of tuna fish in recent years, you will find that they have also increased in price due to these increases in price. In general, it is obvious that canned fish should be made of tin, zinc and aluminum sheet metals, which are safe in the vicinity of fish.
How to produce tuna fish and their types
The production process of tuna fish is that first, the most popular types of fish are Hyder, Goon, Zardeh, Sarem, Tun and other fish. After being caught, these fish are heated at a temperature of 120 degrees, which most crustaceans and mammals do not survive at this temperature. In our country, Gader and Hoover fish are used more. One of the fish that is special for tuna has the same name. Tuna is a type of fish and belongs to the tuna family. This fish is just one of the types of fish used to produce tuna, and it has two types, white and red.
As you can see, there are different types of tuna fish with different characteristics that you can use according to your taste. The theme of fishes are different in color, taste, and nature. Some of them have darker colors, which may be considered bad by some, but the dark color in some fish does not mean that the fish are bad, but it means that the fish with darker color are warm in nature. In the end, we mention other things besides the fish themselves that are used in tuna fish. Things like sea salt, different types of oils and different vegetables that affect the variety of taste and properties of tuna fish.
Properties and characteristics of tuna
The properties and nutritional value of different types of tuna can generally be mentioned below.
A rich source of vitamin D
Contains calcium
Vitamin A
According to their types and popularity, tunas have additives, such as various vegetables, sauces and spices. About the preservatives that can be added to fish tuna, it should be said that chemical preservatives are not used at all, and the necessary amount of salt in it is also used as a preservative. Each type of tuna has different characteristics and properties, and different types have different tastes and characteristics.