Tuna fish is the name of several types of large oceanic fish from the tuna family; which have pink or dark red flesh.
The reason for the color of their meat is the presence of a large amount of myoglobin in its muscle tissues. The meat of this type of fish is rich in protein and vitamins.
Properties of tuna for the body
This type of fish is a good source of vitamins B1, B2, B3 and omega 3 fatty acid, retinol or vitamin A, minerals such as selenium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and zinc. Tuna meat, like the meat of other fish, is rich in fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and skin problems. Omega-3 fatty acids prevent cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and some cancers or reduce the effects of the disease.
Strengthen the body's immunity
DAH, which is a part of omega-3 found in tuna, plays an effective role in improving the immune system. Also, this type of fish is rich in antioxidants such as selenium, manganese, and zinc, which destroy free radicals in the body and make the body They protect against diseases.
Maintaining muscle health
Proteins are very necessary for muscle growth and increasing body metabolism. Tuna fish are very rich in protein and have little fat, which is why they are very useful for growing and maintaining healthy muscles and reducing body fat.
Triglyceride reduction
Triglyceride has the role of insulating and storing energy in the fat tissues of the body, and increasing its amount in the body can have serious risks for the body. Tuna fish have very little fat, and consuming its meat twice a week can increase its level. Reduce cholesterol in the body.
Tuna for skin eczema
Among the properties of tuna for the skin is the prevention of eczema. Eczema is a type of skin inflammation that causes itching, swelling and redness of the skin. Omega 3 can prevent inflammation in the body, including skin inflammation. Tunas are a rich source of omega-3 and its consumption can prevent skin inflammations.
Improve eyesight
Omega 3 is one of the constructive and important elements in strengthening and maintaining vision, which plays an important role in the growth and development of children's vision. It also plays an effective role in regulating and balancing the internal pressure of the eye. Omega-3 DHA plays an important role in the formation of the retina in babies.
Increased focus
British researchers have found that the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids makes children who go to school have higher learning power and concentration. Due to the high amount of omega-3, tuna increases the ability to maintain concentration in children.
Cancer prevention
DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids found in tuna can have an effect in preventing all types of cancer. Omega 3 contained in this type of fish reduces the risk of stomach and breast cancer; Also, this diet, along with treatment, is effective for the recovery of people suffering from cancer.
Rich in vitamins
Tuna is rich in different types of vitamins. Tuna meat contains vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin A, folic acid and vitamin B6; Each of these vitamins plays an important role in maintaining the health of the body and maintaining human life.
Properties of tuna for the heart
Eating fish that contains omega-3 is necessary and useful for maintaining heart health and preventing cardiovascular diseases. Omega-3 increases useful blood cholesterol and prevents blood clotting and heart rhythm disorders or heart arrhythmia.
Increasing children's intelligence
Omega-3 plays a very useful role in the functioning of body systems, including the brain, and eating fish that contains omega-3 strengthens children's intelligence. DHA, which is one type of omega-3, plays a very important role in children's brain development.
Prevention of breast cancer
The fatty acid in tuna prevents the production of inflammatory enzymes that cause breast cancer and stops the growth of breast cancer cells. Also, omega-3 found in this type of fish can repair the DNA of cells.
Prevention of high blood pressure
Tuna fish is rich in minerals and protein, which helps to reduce high blood pressure. The potassium in tuna meat reduces high blood pressure and keeps it at a normal level and prevents diseases such as blood clots and heart attacks. Of course, it is not recommended for the elderly.
Reducing stress
Stress, especially in women, can be caused by disorders and imbalance of hormones in the body. The type of nutrition you have during the day plays an important role in reducing stress. Omega-3 fatty acids in tuna can help reduce stress and balance hormones in the body.
Properties of tuna for stroke
According to the results, including 1 to 4 servings of fish per week can reduce the risk of stroke by 27%. People who use fish meat and especially tuna during the week are less prone to stroke than other people.
Rich in protein
Tuna fish is a rich source of protein, so that in every 100 grams of it, about 29 grams is protein. Tuna meat is one of the main sources of protein, which has a high nutritional value and is necessary for muscle growth.
Rich in omega 3
The body needs omega-3 fatty acids to maintain health. These substances have many benefits for the body and prevent heart diseases and are important and necessary for the growth of children. Tuna fish are rich in omega 3, which can meet the daily need for these substances.
Prevention of cell membrane damage
Tuna contains a lot of protein that breaks down into peptides; Peptides, in turn, are very important compounds and affect the cell membrane and prevent damage to it, and as a result, improve the overall condition of the body.
Enhance insulin response
Tuna fishes are effective in preventing many diseases due to their omega-3 content. Omega-3 contained in these fishes can stabilize blood sugar levels in the body and control insulin, which is why consuming fish is beneficial for diabetics.
Reduce inflammation
Tuna meat has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant minerals that help to increase the amount of useful cholesterol in the blood. Also, its consumption can prevent inflammation caused by diseases such as arthritis and gout and reduce muscle inflammation.
Properties of tuna for the skin
Among the other benefits of tuna fish, it is possible to mention maintaining the health of the skin. Due to the high amount of omega-3 fatty acids, this type of fish helps health, reducing dryness and softening the skin. Also, taking fish oil is useful for skin care.
Bone strength
Omega-3 plays an important role in the health of bones and joints, and its deficiency in the body can be related to osteoporosis. Also, vitamin D along with the minerals found in tuna can help strengthen bones and prevent them from breaking.
Reducing the risk of coronary heart disease
In coronary heart disease, the arteries narrow and cause insufficient blood and oxygen to reach the heart. One of the reasons for this disease is the increase in fat and cholesterol in the blood; Tuna ingredients can reduce the risk of this disease due to their low fat content and reduced cholesterol levels.
Energy supply of the body
Humans need enough energy to perform daily activities, which can be obtained through eating food. Due to the presence of various B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, tuna improves the body's metabolism and supplies the body with sufficient energy. .
Improve blood circulation
The iron and vitamin B present in tuna prevent the accumulation of platelets and blood clotting. It also reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood and increases the beneficial cholesterol in the blood, and causes the vessels to open and improve the blood flow in the body. .
Properties of tuna for kidney
In tuna, there is potassium, a mineral that helps balance body fluids and the proper functioning of the kidneys. Kidney cancer is caused by the lack of proper functioning of the kidneys, and to improve the functioning of the kidneys and maintain the health of the body, drink eight glasses of water a day. It is necessary.
Rich in minerals
Tuna meat contains various minerals such as selenium, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium and phosphorus, each of these minerals is necessary for the better functioning of body tissues and to prevent diseases. The meat of this type of fish is 52.9% Selenium provides the body's needs.
Mood improvement
Selenium in tuna controls the mood and appetite in humans, and the lack of this mineral in the body causes anxiety. The benefits of omega-3 fatty acids in tuna can be mentioned to speed up the mood process and improve it.
Properties of tuna for athletes
Each serving of fatty tuna contains 100 grams of protein, which is very useful for increasing muscle mass and volume for athletes and bodybuilders.
Improving the cognitive function of the brain
There is a large amount of omega-3 in tuna, which improves the cognitive function of the brain and protects the body against Alzheimer's disease by facilitating blood supply to the brain. Omega-3 reduces inflammation in the body and helps the brain function properly.
Detoxification of the body
Tuna contains selenium and omega-3, which are important fuels for the production of glutathione peroxidase antioxidants. The function of antioxidants is of particular importance for the health of the liver, and the liver is effective in detoxification, and selenium also prevents the occurrence of cancers. It prevents
Properties of tuna for pregnant women
Tuna has high amounts of histidine, which is a free amino acid, and its presence in the diet of pregnant women, due to its high protein content, preserves the beauty of pregnant women during this period.
Fetal development
Among other properties of tuna for pregnant women is the growth of the mother's fetus. Due to its properties, tuna is beneficial for the health of the fetus's brain, and if the mother consumes the required amount of tuna during pregnancy, the child born will be intelligent. Eating tuna accelerates the growth of the fetus and maintains its health.
Help with dry eye syndrome
People who spend most of their time in front of computers and laptops often suffer from dry eye syndrome more than other people. Tuna fish has omega-3 and in addition to its benefits for the health of the body, it is also effective for maintaining vision health. .
Preventing obesity and helping to lose weight
There are omega-3 fatty acids in tuna fish, which reduce the risk of obesity and increasing the insulin response in the body. Omega-3 fatty acids stimulate the secretion of a hormone called lithin, which helps the body's metabolism and regulate weight and the amount of food consumed. slow
Getting to know the health benefits of tuna
1- Having mercury
Tuna fish has a lot of mercury, and high consumption of mercury increases the probability of some neurological diseases. Mercury is a heavy element and is considered a toxic substance for the body, and mercury combines with the body's internal enzymes and prevents them from functioning. he does.
2- Histamine
Histamine is a compound that causes food poisoning and allergies. Excessive consumption of tuna hinders nutritional benefits, and consumption of more than 170 grams of tuna per day is not recommended for pregnant women because it affects their health.
3- Boiling tuna fish before consumption
If canned tuna is stored in improper conditions or if its use-by date expires, it will spoil quickly and cause botulism. Botulism leads to death, and before consuming tuna, be sure to boil it in water for 20 minutes.
4- Eating tuna fish once a week
In the process of natural tuna production, no additives are added to the tuna except for salt, but for convenience, do not consume canned fish more than once a week. Eating natural fish will definitely be better than canned fish.
5- Harmful for the elderly
An Iranian nutritionist announced that seniors with high blood pressure should avoid salty foods such as smoked or canned fish and tuna fish. The reason for this is excessive sodium in tuna fish.